The best employers take care of the emotional health and well-being of their employees and clients as part of their culture, not as an afterthought.
Enlisting the skills and expertise of a Chartered Psychologist to inform how you support your workforce is probably one of the smartest things you could do to commit to an emotionally literate workplace culture. And choosing an organisation that has provided outstanding supervision support for employees for over 15 years, and written academic research on models of group supervision would be even better (that’s us, by the way!)
Why employee well-being?
The emotional reality of everyday life is not left outside of the office door. It’s about time we normalised the fact that when we go to work we bring our whole selves, not just the efficient and productive parts. And our whole selves matter all of the time – not just outside office hours!
Work-related stress accounts for approximately half of all working days lost across industries in the UK (ONS, 2019). How are you addressing this depressing trend in your organisation?
Inner Circles works alongside companies who have a genuine commitment to understanding and better supporting their workforce through proactive, evidence-informed methods.
Where Do We Start?
We are happy to consult with you regarding your employee well-being policy and even support you in the construction of a pilot study to find out how your employees really feel about working with you! Only when you have a clear understanding of the employee experience can you then construct an effective way to most effectively support your workforce. And it’s important to keep that document live and evolving!
Where Can We Go?
If you are a forward thinking organisation you may already have a system of mentorship that provides an impartial, slightly more senior, listening ear/coach to employees, that is independent of the line management structure. If so, that is great starting point for supporting your employees’ emotional health and well-being. But going forward,
- How do you ensure your mentors are adequately trained (and frequently refreshed) in their roles?
- Is there a consistent format of psychological contracting between mentor and mentee?
- How do you provide reflective supervision for your mentors without breaching confidentiality?
- How do you manage breaches of confidentiality in an emotionally literate way?
- What specialist support do you offer your employees when pregnant or on maternity leave?
- How do you utilise this system most effectively when a personal, departmental, organisational, national or even global critical incident arises?
Contact us to explore how we can support you in addressing these issues through online and /or in-person clinical supervision sessions and training for mentors and mentees.
Examples of other successful projects and training delivered:
- The Nesting Coach: Specialist Maternity Package for Mums-to-be and New Mums
- Lunch & Learn Sessions: Working with My Values; Working with your Child’s School; Parenting 101; Including your Pregnant Workforce; Managing Dyslexia, Understanding Working Memory
- Seminars: How I Can Thrive; Living Authentically; Understanding your Child’s Special Educational Needs; Understanding Autistic Spectrum Conditions; Behaviour Management for Parents; Adolescence; Getting the Best from Your Child’s School
- Departmental Away Days: Finding Motivation in the Workplace; Understanding and Enhancing your Learning Styles; Crafting the Keys to Better Communication.